Born in Surrey in 1983, Daniel Sequeira has focussed completely on painting since 2014; having previously worked as a graphic designer before completing a year of academic drawing.
‘Having grown up on a diet of comic books, skateboarding, hip hop and movies – this has undoubtably influenced the style in which I paint. Sometimes my paintings have an element of an unfinished sketch. This gives it a sense of vibrancy, dynamism and urgency – something I always try to capture.
My process will always start with some figure studies and then continue through to colour studies before progressing to oil. I tend to paint in alla prima (wet-on-wet) fashion in order to keep the subject as fresh looking as possible (although it rarely works out that smoothly).
Some of my recent paintings draw inspiration from military uniforms and motion. Other paintings represent attempts at simply capturing a character. In essence, I enjoy trying to decode painting something as complex as the figure whilst developing my own particular style. The challenge of depicting the figure is what excites me to paint. I have an image of what I would like to paint and am continually working towards and chasing that goal.’
The works showing at Andelli Art will include a selection of paintings focussing on figures and portraits.