Sue Conrad

sue conrad etching

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Sue Conrad trained in Textiles at Goldsmiths College in the 60’s, specialising in constructed textiles. The 3 year course leading to the Advanced Diploma in Art and Design was new in conception and she was encouraged to break the boundaries and move away from the traditional image of Embroidery. Central to the course was the huge emphasis placed on the importance of drawing, both from life and the imagination. This proved invaluable on her creative journey.
After several years teaching Textiles in Schools and Colleges of Further Education and eager to return to her own practice, Sue embarked on a further Degree, this time in Fine Art specialising in paint and print. She was eager to explore her immediate landscape, the Salisbury Plain, which is an area steeped in history and surrounded by Bronze and Iron Age monuments. It is an area that represents more than just the visual aspects of the scenery and is a rich and historical record of material features and human activity. Her focus is with issues relating to man’s insignificance in the landscape and of distance, separation and issues relating to time, death and previous lives.